Demetrova 1
Phone +385 1 4851700
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The role of the marketing service is manifested through various activities:
* monitoring of the regular exhibition program of the Croatian Natural History Museum,
* preparation of special projects at the Croatian Natural History Museum – the Long Night of Museums, Naturfašnik…,
* cooperation with the media, which is realized through various types of marketing collaborations (publicity campaigns in the media, advertising on billboards and city light posters, media sponsorships in print and electronic media),
* promotion of the permanent exhibition and all collections, exhibitions and events of the Croatian Natural History Museum,
* development of friendly collaborations with the visitors for further positive positioning of the Croatian Natural History Museum in its surroundings: organization of promotions, concerts, theatre performances, prize games for visitors, etc.,
* promocija Stalnog postava i svih zbirki HPM-a, izložbi i događanja,
* organization of souvenir creation,
* renting of space and exhibits.
Branimir Ivić, MSc in Economics, Head of the Marketing Department
E-mail address:
Martin Glavinić, expert associate for marketing and public relations
E-mail address: