Deep Space

Deep Space - A Journey Through Space and Time

Step into the captivating world of the cosmos through the unique experience of Deep Space 4K. This revolutionary installation, the only one of its kind in Croatia, allows you to witness the universe in a way you've never imagined before.

What Awaits You?

  • Interactive 3D flights through the entire known universe
  • Detailed visualizations of celestial bodies in stunning 4K resolution
  • Simulations of Moon landings and walks on Saturn's rings
  • Completely new perspectives on familiar constellations
  • Journeys at speeds a billion times faster than the speed of light

Celestial Destinations

Our Cosmic Neighborhood

  • International Space Station (ISS): Follow the live orbit of the ISS and experience the life of astronauts in weightlessness
  • Mars Perseverance: Step onto the surface of the Red Planet alongside the latest rover and explore Jezero Crater
  • Voyager Missions: Travel through time, tracing the legendary odyssey of Voyager 1 and 2 from their launch to their current positions in interstellar space

Exoplanets and Distant Worlds

  • Proxima Centauri b: Visit the closest known exoplanet to our Solar System
  • TRAPPIST-1e: Explore this fascinating world in a system with seven Earth-like planets
  • Mysterious Pulsars: Experience the spectacular rotations of neutron stars that emit regular radio waves

The Center of the Milky Way

  • Sagittarius A*: Peer into the heart of our galaxy, where a supermassive black hole resides
  • Stellar Clusters: Discover the densely populated regions around the galactic center

Thanks to the latest Zeiss Uniview 3.0 software, we can:

  • Explore Earth-like exoplanets
  • Visit impressive black holes
  • Get up close to the James Webb Space Telescope
  • Study the complex mechanisms that make Earth habitable

All this and much more is available at no additional charge with your museum admission. Experience awe-inspiring live shows, breathtaking structures of the cosmos, and interactive virtual reality presentations.

Journey Through Space and Time

Our guides take you on an unforgettable voyage from Earth to the furthest corners of the universe. Follow the development of space missions, from the first steps on the Moon to the latest explorations of Mars. Each journey is unique and tailored to the interests of our visitors.

Screening Schedule 

Tue; 12; 3 PM
Wed; 12; 3 PM
Thu; 12; 3 PM
Fri; 1 PM; 4 PM; 6 PM
Sat; 12 PM; 2 PM; 4 PM; 6 PM
Sun; 12 PM; 2 PM; 4 PM; 6 PM


Duration: 25 minutes

Contact and Information

Branimir Ivić
Tel: 099 219 2108