Project name:
KK. “Guardian of Heritage as a Catalyst for Development, Research, and Learning – New Croatian Natural History Museum”
Croatian Natural History Museum, Demetrova 1, 10 000 Zagreb, Personal Identification Number: 53150371536
City of Zagreb, Trg Stjepana Radića 1, 10 000 Zagreb, Personal Identification Number: 61817894937
Zagreb Tourist Board, Kaptol ul. 5, 10 000 Zagreb, Personal Identification Number: 40791995812
Short description of the project:
The Croatian Natural History Museum is the largest museum in the Republic of Croatia in terms of holdings. It is located in the historic Amadeo Palace, which has been entered in the Register of Cultural Property of the Republic of Croatia (Z-619). The scientific and research activity of the Museum is carried out in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Science and Technology (CLASS: 640-02/94-01/040 REGISTRY NUMBER, 533-02-183/96-2) by which the Museum was entered in the Register of Scientific-Research Legal Entities under the serial number 0183/1995 in the scientific field of natural sciences and with a re-accreditation from June 18, 2015 (CLASS: 640-02/15-02/0028, REGISTRY NUMBER: 355-06-02-15-6).
The Museum is currently located in a space that represents a limiting factor in the development of its cultural, scientific, and touristic potential. It is precisely the spatial limitation that is a barrier to the development of all segments of the Museum. Hence, the renovation of the Amadeo Palace is aimed at setting up a recent museum display, opening accredited illustrative and interactive laboratories, and offering new activities (from a multimedia hall to a souvenir shop and a catering facility), which is fundamental for the development of economic, scientific, educational, and cultural activities. The renovation would also serve as a contribution to the development of cultural tourism in the Zagreb Urban Agglomeration. In this way, the Museum is enabled to develop in the direction of self-sustainability.
After the implementation of the project, an increase in the number of visitors, improved visitor satisfaction, a contribution to the tourism indicators of the agglomeration, and the improvement of museum and scientific activities through laboratories are expected. A significant step forward in the field of development tourism, conservation and presentation of Croatian cultural heritage – and all this through the planned employment of new employees – is also expected. The general goal of the project is to contribute to the development of tourism in the City of Zagreb and the Zagreb Urban Agglomeration, as well as to the employment and economic growth. The purpose of renovating and equipping the Amadeo Palace is to strengthen the capacities of the Museum and also to contribute to the development of the cultural, touristic, economic, and scientific activities of the Zagreb Urban Agglomeration through the following activities:
AK1 Works on the renovation, reconstruction, and extension of the Amadeo Palace
AK2 Expert supervision of works
AK3 Architectural supervision
AK4 Construction project management
AK5 Establishment of a new permanent display, equipping of the multimedia hall, souvenir shop and museum cafeteria
AK6 Equipping laboratories (procurement of laboratory equipment and establishment of a laboratory)
AK7 Accreditation of laboratories
AK8 Promotion and marketing of the destination on the topic of cultural heritage – marketing activities
AK9 Promotion and marketing of the destination on the topic of cultural heritage – communication activities
AK10 Project management
AK11 Promotion and visibility
The implementation of the project contributes to the improvement of the quality of life, public and social infrastructure (revitalization of the Upper Town), and human potential. The Museum’s holdings, accredited scientific activity for economic purposes, as well as the catering and craft activities of the subjects of the Zagreb Urban Agglomeration (in the cafeteria and souvenir shop), ensure the self-sustainability of the Museum after the renovation of the Amadeo Palace. Planned activities improve the quality of life, ensure diversity and pluralism through various initiatives for cooperation outside the institutional cultural sector, strengthen social engagement in culture, especially the involvement of the economic sector through the planned implementation of scientific activities (various expertise, research, plans, and recommendations, as well as new development and growth through scientific research activities), and all for the needs of the economy and tourism of the City of Zagreb and the Zagreb Urban Agglomeration. The significant potential of natural history in culture accelerates the competitiveness of other sectors, especially tourism and the economy, as well as the growth of private investments, an increase in the number of visitors, and the development of year-round tourism in the City of Zagreb.
The communication of cultural heritage ensures the education of stakeholders on the importance of sustainable management of cultural and natural heritage, not only through the revitalization of monumental heritage, but also through the presentation of the overall environmental and natural values of the City of Zagreb (Green Museum for Green Zagreb), the Zagreb Urban Agglomeration and the Republic of Croatia in in its entirety. By presenting and promoting natural history values in over 1.4 million objects, the Museum bears witness to the natural and environmental values of the area and contributes to the improvement of environmental management (developmental environmental component) and nature, and above all space (urban development). Furthermore, it also interprets the impact of climate change and all the possibilities of mitigating it. A systematic and coordinated effort (principle of concentration and coordination) of all local stakeholders, the private sector, and public authorities (principle of participation) is the key to increasing the quality of life and socio-economic security of residents in the area of the Zagreb Urban Agglomeration.
To conclude, all project activities and project objectives are in accordance with the objectives of the priority axis 6 – Environmental protection and sustainability of resources, and of the investment priority 6c Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage, and with the specific objective 6c1 – Increasing employment and tourist expenditure through enhancing cultural heritage, specified in the The Operational Programme 'Competitiveness and Cohesion' for the period 2014-2020. Namely, one of the goals of the project is to restore and preserve cultural heritage (Palace Amadeo) and increase its economic value by introducing new cultural and educational content. This will increase the number of visitors and contribute to the development of cultural tourism in the Upper Town. Moreover, with additional space and new equipment, the plan is to strengthen scientific research activities for the needs of the economy, thereby contributing to employment and economic growth.
Goals and the expected results of the project:
The general goal of the project is to contribute to the development of tourism in the City of Zagreb and the Zagreb Urban Agglomeration, as well as to the employment and economic growth. The purpose of renovating and equipping the Amadeo Palace is to strengthen the capacities of the Museum and to contribute to the development of the cultural, touristic, economic, and scientific activities of the Zagreb Urban Agglomeration.
The expected result of the project is contribution to the development of tourism in the City of Zagreb and the Zagreb Urban Agglomeration, as well as to employment and economic growth, using the potential of cultural heritage and its content.
Total value of the project: 118.590.406,70 HRK
Amount co-financed by the EU: 74.951.417,40 HRK
Project implementation period: from January 15, 2021 until October 15, 2023
Contact persons for more information: Professor Tatjana Vlahović, PhD (, director and Iva Mihoci, PhD, museum advisor (
More information can be found on the following websites:
European structural and investment funds
Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion (OPCC) 2014-2020